
Technology, data, and outreach cost money. We do everything we can to minimize cost, from creating our own coding, to developing and maintaining this website, and traveling to our focus areas ourselves. Nevertheless, it takes a little help to succeed. If you wish to contribute, any little bit helps. Feel free to email us at for more information about how your donation will be spent.



We use a wide array of data sources and technology platforms to support our projects. We can’t be expert in all of them. Are you knowledgeable in writing code, hosting servers, videography, or other technological areas? Click the button and let us know how you might be able to contribute! Do you speak or read a language other than English and want to be a member of our language bank? Click the button and let us know the language and whether you can translate written, spoken, or both.

**Note that we currently do not have non-profit status for tax purposes.

Thus, donations to our organization do not qualify under any specific tax-exempt category.